Monday, December 1, 2008

Perfect December

It's officially December today and it couldn't get any more perfect. There is snow falling down from the sky, my Christmas tree is beautiful, and the heater works! The only thing that would make it better is if we had a fire place to light a fire so I could smell that great smoky smell.

On another note, my teacher devotion had a great point today.
"Now when I do what I do, I do it to the best of His ability, because mine will never be sufficient. I can never hit the mark on my own. But as much as God enables and equips me, He also expects my best, as does everyone else around me."

Lord, help me to do YOUR best and not my best so that I can show your love through my actions to those who don't know you. Be with my family, especially keeping my mom and grandma safe as they visit. Be with our group and help us to truly be a family. Keep us all healthy and wise during the holidays. Amen.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Lost Cause

I read something interesting in my daily teachers' devotion this morning:
"Do you find yourself feeling as if you're fighting for a lost cause? It can certainly feel that way, but I encourage you to keep fighting. Some would say that Jesus fought a losing battle. Why sacrifice Himself for people who either didn't care or didn't believe and who would continue to sin even after He died a horrible death because of that sin? Because, unlike a doctor, His hands can't be pried away from a heart, no matter how faint the life signs."

Latest in the Coakley/Jimison families: Monday I was tested for gestational diabetes and found out yesterday that I do have it, so I have to see a dietician next week. BOO!! Also on Monday was my mother-in-law's knee replacement surgery. She came home yesterday and seems to be doing well. On Wednesday we found out a family member had a miscarriage. And, my doctor's son passed away this week. My dad may have diabetes as well, but he for sure has high blood pressure. So, a lot of sickness happening in the families. Keep us all in your prayers!

Lord, lay your healing hand over my family and Joe's family. Be with us as we serve you and love others. Keep everyone safe and happy this weekend. Amen.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Halloween this year = awesome!  Joe and I went to our check up.  I had to do the glucose drink thing, which means they took blood, and I had to get a shot in my butt - so that was the bad part.  However, our doctor gave us a 3D picture of Adrian!  He looks like the spitting image of Joe.  We were so excited to see what our little man looks like!  Yay, Adrian.

After that we went and had Christmas pictures taken.  It was our last family picture before our family is forever changed, so it was kind of a nice time just to relax and be ourselves.

Lord, thanks so much for such a precious son.  Help me to love him and raise him to be who you want him to be.  Joe and I love you so much and are grateful for everything you've done for us.  Amen.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Countdown is On!

78 days until Adrian is supposed to be here! I think I will be counting the days until I can get my body back to (somewhat) normal!

Tonight is parent teacher conferences...I am not looking forward to it! I always have this fear that a parent is going to be upset with. Inevitably, at least one is every year, but the thought of it coming is not something I enjoy.

After the rest of the conferences in the morning I have a doctor's appointment (the one where you have to drink the orange stuff) and then family Christmas pictures!!! I am really excited because Joe and I haven't had a picture taken together in a long time and this is the last Christmas that it will be just the two of us.

Lord, thanks for a good day. Give me energy to last until 6:30. Keep those I love safe and help me to do the best I can with my students. Amen.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Shower Number 2

Shower number two was this past Sunday, October 26. It was fantastic! More people came than I thought would. I think I have enough diapers now to last for a couple of months. And, I don't need to buy any bath or bedtime stuff for awhile! It's great. The room is also starting to come along as I get decorations and other gifts to get it all set up. Pictures and more details to follow on the baby blog...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Aching Back

So third trimester is turning out to be different from first, but still kinda miserable. My back has never hurt so bad in all my life.

Adrian is getting so big now and he kicks all the time! Maybe he is kicking me in the back or something. He's big enough now that people keep telling me they don't think I am going to make it until January. Even my own mother said that! I honestly don't think I am as big as people are making me out to be. I measured my own stomach and it was 31 cm...I am 27 weeks along. Considering how short I am, I didn't think it was that big of a difference. Plus, I am carrying a boy who sits right in the middle of my body, he doesn't spread himself out at all. I guess really only God knows what's going to happen.

Lord, thanks for the rain, but help it to move along quickly. Be with Lauren as she goes through her morning sickness and help her to feel better quickly. Love on everyone I love and reveal yourself to those who don't know you! Thanks for the blessing of a baby and a pretty good week (so far!). Amen

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Foster Homecoming 2008

Last night was the big homecoming game. For the first time, the cheerleaders had a lot planned for it. We introduced and escorted all the 8th grade boys onto the field, had a banner for them to run through, and did a cute half time performance. It was great. I really love my cheerleaders. It will be so sad to see my 8th graders move on next year.

Exactly one week from today is my very first baby shower...and I am so excited! Joe says it will probably just be diapers plus refreshments, but that saves us so much money in the long run.

I also go to the doctor today, so be looking for updates on my baby blog...many happy thoughts to you today!

Lord, thanks so much for this day that you have created. Help me to have a positive attitude towards all that I come in contact with. Let your love shine through me and be a testimony of who you are. Bless and be with all whom I love. Amen

Monday, September 15, 2008

Meet Mrs. Negativity

That would be least according to one of my parents. That's right, I am the most negative teacher at this school. I am the reason her son is having issues with his grades and behavior. Hello, nice to meet you. I don't know if you guessed or not, but I am not happy about this. I talked with one of my parents today and instead of losing my temper, I politely told her maybe she needed to talk to someone else since I am apparently the problem. GRRRR!!!!Ok, I am done venting now. Thanks for listening!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh it burns

So I had a biopsy (sp?) today and it burns like crazy! I guess the numbing agent wore off. I'll find out next week what is up with my spot - it looks like a really dark birth mark.

So some of my 6th graders are showing their true colors this week and last, which is not helping my stress level at all. Is it bad to hope that some of your students get suspended so you don't have them in class for a few days?

Adrian is still alive and kicking and, according to the doctor, doing well!

I found a prayer that I thought was awesome in my teacher book today that I would like to share: Lord, you know the motives of my heart. You alone judge. Show me when to CLOSE MY MOUTH so others can hear Your voice. Instruct me when to speak up with love.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ethics Week

This week at our faculty meeting we had to watch a video on ethics and take a personal survey to see how we are doing. I was doing ok...until after we watched the video. Here's what happened: I was on my plan period, all caught up on grading, etc, and decided to log on to my baby registry at Babies R Us. Well, my password would not work, so I decided to call the customer service number. I dialed 1800babyrus. NEVER DO THAT!!!! I am warning you now, that you need to dial 888, not 800. Very bad things happen when you do. Anyway, since I did make the boo boo, I then had to go and tell my principal what had happened in case some phone record showed up that I had called a sex hot line. OOPS!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's Official

I am hot! It's true. I know it's true because I was walking past our assistant principal's office and I heard an 8th grade boy say, "dang, Mrs. Coakley is fine" and the kid next to him reply with, "dude, she's pregnant!" It was great! I am a hot pregnant lady!

Cheerleading definitely gave me a headache today...Lauren how do you stand them every single morning? I only have them once or twice a week depending on the game schedule and that is enough time with middle school girls!

Lord, thanks for a lovely day. Help me to do the best I can at teaching, cheering, and being a wife, friend, sister, aunt, and daughter. Thanks again for Kari Lynne and all the blessings you've given. Amen.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Kari is Here to Stay!

I'm so excited! Kari Lynne is officially going to be a Panter baby and will be a part of all our lives permanently!!! That precious little girl will be my son's BFF and it will be great. I got the news while I was at lunch today and I just started crying and jumping up and down. In fact, I am tearing up now! God is so amazingly good! Wow! Look at how much he has done and all the lives he will touch through this situation.

The rest of my day was boring. I was required to give a test to my students and I am all caught up on lesson planning and grading, so I sat most of the day. I went ahead and planned further ahead, so I am done through mid-October.

Lord, you are so good and awesome and amazing! You not only provide our needs, but you give us the desires of our hearts and that is so wonderful! I love you and praise you, because only you are in control! Amen.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Excitement in the life of Rachel

So Joe FINALLY felt the baby kick this morning! I think I was more excited than he was! Little Adrian has been nuts in my belly lately.

Crazy weekend ahead: cheer tryouts for girls new to Foster today after school, hair cut and nails done and JBF sale tomorrow, then church on Sunday. I am tired just thinking about it!

I think God is moving in my Life group here lately because I have been burdened for the people at my school who are not saved (plus my parents) and one of the other girls in my group is feeling the same way. I think since we have been talking about eternity and focusing on what we can actually do in our daily lives to reach people, it has been on our minds more than usual.

Also this week I think I caught a virus. Two sixth grade students went home vomiting the same day I could not keep a thing down. A little over 24 hours later and I am back to my normal self...those pesky kids!

Lord, help me to be the best teacher and witness to both my students and those in my life who don't know you. I ask that you keep Adrian safe and be with all I love this weekend. Amen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Breaking the Seal

It's official...I threw up at school. But, at least I didn't pee my pants, which is usually what happens when I throw up. Poor Mrs. Kirk - I didn't make it to the bathroom so I did it in her trash can. I tried to have a chat with Adrian, but he's not listening to his mama. I hope this is not a sign of things to come.

After school today is cheer practice. Not only will I have my girls practicing, but I will have a whole new batch who will be trying out on Friday to see if we can add a few more to my teeny tiny squad. I think the girls are pretty excited.

Joe started school yesterday. He is very excited and seems to be a good student so far. I am so proud of him for going back to school. I think he will be happier in the long run, even if he changes his mind about what exactly he wants to major in. I think he will feel better about himself as well.

Michele came over last night, once again bearing gifts. I told her she needs to stop because she is spoiling me way to much. I got a sling, book, bottles, maternity shirt, and a few other things from her just because she loves me so much. Everytime I try to buy something for her, she buys me ten more things. I can't keep up with the girl! I love her so much and I am so glad God brought her and Kyle into my life. And I LOVE Kari Lynne so much!!!

Lord, help me to let your love shine through to all of my students. Open their minds to understand math and who you are. Help me to not feel sick anymore. Be with my parents and family and draw them to you. Bless my totally awesome friends today with something special! Amen.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Looking Back

Looking back at the first week of school overall, I would classify it as good. Don't get me wrong, I had my little lovelies who already wanted to push the envelope, but there were only a few of them. I was able to buy a comfy pair of shoes to support my preggo butt, so I don't expect my feet to hurt as bad this coming week.

Baby Adrian Thomas (the name Joe and I have temporarily decided on) has been swimming and kicking around in my belly so much in the last few days! Each time I am still filled with surprise and a little bit of awe that I have a baby in my tummy. I told Joe that I was also struggling a little bit with the fear that in just a few short months I will be in charge of another human beings life, that he will depend completely on Joe and I for everything. I think I may need some prayer for that.

On Wednesday the 13th I bought a book at Mardel called "Before the Bell Rings" that has little devotions that you can read each morning before you start school. I loved Friday's prayer in it, so that is what I will end with today.

Lord, let me always be mindful that my faith in students may be what draws them to you. Amen.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of School 2008

What a way to start the school year...nauseous! But, the good news is that I didn't throw up until I got home. I desperately need my refill of Zofran to get rid of this icky feeling. I have three boys that are repeaters that I am keeping my eye on and one new boy that I am keeping on top of. I already had to call a mom! I couldn't believe it. In my vast experience of three whole years of teaching I have never had to call a parent on the first day of school. We will have to see how day 2 goes with the little lovely.

Sara got home last night. I was so glad! She had gone to California for her old roommates wedding, but that made the first day of school so lonely without her here to chat with. I look forward to the end of today so we can whine about the students together.

Signing off for today, Lord watch over me, my baby, my friends, family, and each of my students. I ask that you would just make yourself known to those who don't already know you and draw closer to you the ones that do. Thanks for the blessings in my life that I know come only from you. Love ya! Amen.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's a Boy!

Joe and I had our 3rd appointment today and found out that we are having a boy!  The doctor didn't even have to point anything out to us - it was hanging out for all to see.  Now we have to think of names and decide on nursery stuff.  I was a little disappointed at first cause I wanted a girl, but there are some great things that come with little boys.  I'll have to list them on down.  On a not so good note, I now have to see a dermatologist about a discoloration that I have.  Pray for me!

1.  Little boys love their mamas.
2.  Any ideas???

I also haven't blogged about some exciting friend Sara moved in with us in July!  She is awesome!  She's really helped since I haven't been feeling well.  

Lord, thanks for the blessing of a baby boy.  You know what you are doing and I totally trust in you.  Show me your way.  Amen.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hello August

And here we are in a new month...

I've been to school twice now and still have no clue what I am doing the first week of school.  Tomorrow is the last cheer practice before school starts...yikes!  I sure hope my girls are ready.  I think we have a really tight-knit squad this year which will be a nice change from last year.

I haven't thrown up since Thursday and I seem to have more energy, so I am hoping that I have officially entered the next phase of pregnancy.  We find out in two days what the sex of the baby is going to be, so that will be some exciting news to share.  

I bought tickets to So You Think You Can Dance and I cannot express just how excited I am!  I want to meet Twitch!  Nothing else exciting, so until Wednesday, adieu!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Weak Stomachs...Beware

Current symptoms: constipation that leads to hard poop (what do they call this?), gas, frequent urination, fatigue, constant hunger, and yes - I still have nausea and vomiting.  Oh, and who can forget the vivid (and awful) dreams I've been having!

Today was the first day of my National Board class.  It was LONG!  And morning traffic is a nightmare!  I was there from 8 to 5.  Luckily they give lots of breaks and food.  Unfortunately, my butt hurt so bad it didn't get enough breaks!  And for some reason they didn't give the pregnant lady a nap - how rude!  The drive home was treacherous, too, because I had to go potty and the stupid train track road blocks lowered and stayed down so long that a policeman had to come direct traffic around them!  Geesh.

Lord, I pray that tomorrow would be even better than today.  Give me the energy and well-being to do what I need to do.  Be with those I love and give me peaceful sleep tonight.  And help my poop to soften so it doesn't hurt.  Amen.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

One Bad Day

Four days of no sickness and then BAM!  Yesterday I couldn't seem to hold much down.  I was so mad!  However, I am trusting that it was a one day fluke due to the sweets and fruit I had been eating.

Last night was great, even though I wasn't feeling my greatest.  Joe and I went to the 6:30 service and then out to eat with about half our life group.  It was fantastic!

Here's the funny part now.  Joe woke up this morning and said he was mad at me because in his dream I had been screwing around with a young baseball player.  I started laughing because in my dream I had been sleeping with Will Ferrell (gross me out!).  I just thought it was so funny that we both dreamed about me cheating.  I guess I better watch myself. ;)

Well, for now it is off to the Garden to hang out with some one year olds.  Wish me luck!

Lord, thanks for four days of health.  I ask that my health continue to improve so I can function in my classes the rest of this month.  Help me to get done the things I need in order to prepare for school and baby.  Thanks for my wonderful friends who hung out with me last night and who are willing to do life with Joe and me.  You are so wonderful!  Amen

Friday, July 11, 2008

What a Night!

So I had the best dream ever last night!  You see, Wednesday I went shopping for some maternity pants.  Well, in my dream all I remember is Joe saying to me, "baby, go out and spend as much as you want - as long as you get what you need to wear during your pregnancy."  Then I woke up. :)

So last night 8 of my cheerleaders came over and we watched How She Move.  I think it was terrible because we all lost interest less than halfway through and just ended up talking.  Then we went out to the park by my house and had a cheer photo shoot - with my super amazing photo skills (ha!).  It was a good time.  I actually kind of like having a smaller squad because I can keep track of everybody and get to know them more and I feel more comfortable doing things for them, such as letting them over to my home.

Thanks to Sara G. for helping me get my house ready for the girls!  I can't wait for you to move in!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's A Girl!

It's a girl...for my friend Ali.  I went with her to an ultrasound this afternoon and we couldn't find any dangly bits, so a girl it is!  

I've had quite the exciting day today.  First, lunch with Ali.  Then we went shopping and I bought 3 maternity bottoms.  And then, of course, was her ultrasound.  When I got home, I found Joe freaking out because I had left my phone at the house and he hadn't been able to get in touch with me for about 3 hours.  He was not happy.  I also found out the exterminator had to cancel (again) due to the rain.  I am so tired of seeing ants in my bedroom and bathroom.  On the other hand, I get another reprieve from having to clean!  

Tonight is SYTYCD and I am so stoked about it!  Twitchington has still got to be one of my favorite couples at the moment.  I think the top 8 will be:
1. Twitch
2. Kherington
3. Katee
4. Joshua
5. Will
6. Chelsie H.
7. Mark
8. Courtney

I guess we'll have to wait and see if I am correct.  Not to be gross, but so far no puking today!  Slight nausea, but I can handle that.

Lord, thanks for a day without puking (so far) and thanks for another break in cleaning.  Help me to be well for the rest of this week and help me to enjoy my pregnancy since it is a beautiful gift from you.  Be with each and every one of my friends this week and love on them.  Amen.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Late Night Update

I can't sleep, so here we go again.  All day I've been hungry.  And bored.  Tired, but not sleepy.  I am starting to feel the pressure of carrying this life inside me.  I ate an egg today that I cooked for a long time, but was still runny...did I damage my child?  I sleep on my back all the I suffocating my child.  Oh, and oops - when is the last time I took my prenatals?  I can't remember.  Officially no puking today, but still felt blah.

On a positive note, I went and toured St. Francis South.  I think I like it better than regular St. Francis.  Also starting to stress about names.  Not because I think I need to, but because lately I am totally irrational.  I asked Joe to go get tatoos for goodness sake!

I found a website that made me feel better.  Check it out...,,1609279,00.html

Another Day...

I am praying and believing that since today marks the end of my 12th week, I will be well!  Yesterday I did ok until about 2:30, but that was also after I sat in a nail salon and drank a syrupy drink.  I am hoping today goes much better.  Praise the Lord for the end of a trimester!  Now I am waiting for that great burst of energy everyone keeps telling me about so that I can get my house all cleaned up!

Yesterday I went and looked at an apartment with my friend Sara.  I was really excited because it is even closer to our house and seems to be very well priced and NICE!  I hope she decides to move there!

I'm also excited because Michele's little girl Kari Lynne will be here in just a couple of weeks!  Yay!  

Lord, thanks so much for wonderful friends and family who take care of me and help me when I need it.  I ask that you be with those I love and keep them safe today.  Be with my baby and my stomach so that I can be a healthy mama! Amen.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Crazier by the Day

My thoughts and dreams are getting crazier.  Last night I lived in a trailer with my mom, was pregnant, my sister was torturing me, our dryer broke, and the repair man raped me.  CREEPY!  I asked friends and family for pediatrician and photographer recommendations last night.  I've gotten a few so far, so one more thing for me to be thinking about.

Sara's boyfriend David stayed at our house this weekend.  He's such a nice guy!  I'm really happy for my favorite gal!  And Sara is so super cool (there's your mention!).

I keep thinking of all these great things to blog, but then forget about them if I don't update everyday.  So, for today we will be short until I remember all my stuff.

Lord, please let this be my week to have a sudden more sickness!  Thanks for you amazingness and love! Amen

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Another day...

I went back to being sick today.  BOO!!!!  I also toured St. Francis.  I have to say that I liked everything that was available, but the rooms seemed so old fashioned.  After seeing Stillwater completely remodel their maternity ward, it was kind of a let down.

Well, now I am watching SYTYCD.  So far Chelsea and Mark are the only ones who have impressed me in the slightest.  And who will Deanna pick for the final rose?  I hope so much that it is Jason.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Being Pregnant

It's this whole other world that you never truly know about until you experience it.  I had my second doctor's appointment today and got to see my baby's arms and legs waving around.  It was great!  My doctor "lovingly" rubbed my leg during the entire ultrasound.  I hope Joe never feels weird when the doc does stuff like that.  I finally got a prescription that is supposed to make my nausea recede - praise the Lord!  Everyone has been telling me to blog my experiences being pregnant, so here they are.

I found out I was pregnant on Tuesday, May 20th or 22nd - whatever that Tuesday was.  I peed on a stick and Joe walked in on me, so he naturally helped me to read the results.  That night we told the Panters because they knew we had been worried.  Joe and I decided not to tell anyone else for awhile.  That lasted all of about 2 hours when I told Lauren M. that night.  And the next day at school when I told all the teachers.  And the next night when we called everyone else.

I started getting sick the next day (Wednesday) and have since lost somewhere between 7 and 12 pounds, depending on the day.  My breasts have hurt like crazy, my sense of smell is ridiculous, I eat every two hours, I sleep a lot.  In fact, since summer started, I take a nap just about every day like a baby.

Last week the hormones really stepped up a notch.  I couldn't stand for Joe to come anywhere near me because I thought his breath was going to make me vomit.  I also began to "express my opinions" a little more often and a little louder.  Joe is super thrilled about that (note:  that was written with sarcasm).  I also started having very random thoughts.  For instance, I woke up from a nap one day sure that I was going to have to have every Thanksgiving and Christmas at my house from now on and be the sole person responsible for the food.  So what did I do?  I went online and looked up all the food we have for the holidays and made a word document so that I would never forget anything.  It seemed very logical to me at the time.  

Saturday was Michele's baby shower.  Jamie offered to pick me up.  When she did, she had meds, a barf bag, and a chilled water bottle waiting for me.  I asked her, how am I supposed to care for a child when I can't even care for myself!  She told me it was fine and I would do great.  I've heard that a lot and would like to know what people are basing it on.  At the shower, I was passing the gifts for Michele to open and then stacking them on a table to be taken home.  I ended up CRYING in front of the whole room.  Why?  Not because everything was so cute, but because I was overwhelmed.  I had no clue what half the stuff was that she was opening and I freaked out that I wasn't going to get the "right things" for my baby.  Hello Irrational Rachel!

Lord, thanks so much for this wonderful gift that you've given me, even though I have no clue what to do with it and was not expecting it.  I ask that you would guide Joe and I as we trek along doing the best we can.  Thank you so much for all the wonderful women you have put in my life for just this moment.  Give me strength and energy to make it through the night.  Amen.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Shock and Awe

Let me tell you how impressed I am right now. After school one of the administrators at my school was yelling at a kid and he ended up getting suspended for the rest of the school year. He was REALLY mad. On the way out of school, he decided to punch the glass in the door. HE BROKE IT!!!! I was blown away! His hand has got to be broken and bleeding. If I tried to hit a door out of anger, I would have a hurt hand and the door would look the same. Wow!

Lord, thanks for comic relief at the end of my long day! You are so amazing! And thanks for keeping us safe through the weather last night. I ask that you would just guide every step I take and show me the path you have laid out for me. In your name, Amen.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rain, rain

go away!

I feel like I should be in bed sleeping as dark as it is.

Sadly, that is all I am thinking of today.

Lord, thanks for watering my plants for me today! Help me to not procrastinate this week and get all the things done that I know I should. I love you so much! Amen.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What Can a Teacher Do?

I have four years of college under my belt and a degree to prove it. And what can I do? Teach. After FOUR YEARS I have one option in the job market today, and right now, that is an option I am not in love with.

So, my question is, what else can a teacher do? At first I thought pursuing a different district would be the change I need. But now I am starting to feel as though teaching is just not for me. It is a tough job. I have heard that if I went to another district I may not feel this way, but I hate to pursue another district. For some reason I feel as though I am being sneaky and disloyal. What to do, what to do.

On a happier note, my birthday last night was a blast! I went to eat at Senor Tequila's with a few friends on Brookside. I ran into some old friends from high school, listened to some music, people watched, and ate a yummy meal! And, my friend Michele bought me the yummiest smelling perfume!! My hubby bought me a beautful card and it was an all around good evening.

Lord, thank you for friends and a life group who are willing to share my happy times, but also my trials. Thanks for giving me another day to praise you and share your love with others. Be with Joe today as he works and be with all my friends. Amen.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Birthday...

to me!!!! And happy Cinco de Mayo!!!!

Cheerleader tryouts Friday = some really upset girls
Cinnamon gum = GROSSNESS
This week = tons of fun!
My students = annoying
My opinion on having children = improving
My friends = the best!
SYTYCD = premier party at my house (and if you are a true fan, you know exactly what those
letters stand for!)
Mexican food tonight = yummy!
Luaus = tons of fun!

Lord, I thank you so much for this wonderful, beautiful day! I think you are an awesome God and I just ask that you would keep up this beautiful weather for the rest of the week. I ask that you would just be with all of my friends and their families - keep them safe and well this week. I ask that if there are any needs that Joe and I can service, you would bring them to mind so that we could be good stewards of the things you have placed in our care. I love you so much!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008



Saturday my parent helped Joe and I put another patio in our backyard, plus do some landscaping. It was hard work! Plus, I had already been up since 6:30 with our garage sale (which one of my students showed up to...ugh!).

Today was the first day of my cheer clinic to get ready for tryouts. All we worked on the entire hour was the dance and cheer, but my goodness it took a lot out of me. You don't realize how out of shape you are until one hour of working shows you! I think I have some great potential out there, but we'll see how the rest of the week goes.

My friend Lauren sent two of her high school girls over to help and they were wonderful!!!! I'll have to get them a little something for helping.

Lord, thanks for such a lovely day! And thanks for the opportunity to dance and cheer, since you know that is something I absolutely love! Thanks for people who are willing to help free of charge and be a great example to my students. Give me wisdom in my decisions and in the words I say this week and give me an energy to get through. And, last but not least, THANKS FOR BRINGING THE LITTLES HOME!!!!!! Amen.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good days!

Monday = great day!
Tuesday = great day!
Wednesday = so-so...

What does Thursday hold in store for me? Well, hopefully a lot more girls trying out for cheerleading than the 10 forms I have turned in now. And, now my girl who was going to help with clinics is no longer available due to an upcoming competition. I guess its up to me to make up a cheer, and have me teach it along with Miss Gregersen. We shall see how that goes.

Joe, my absolutely wonderful hubby, took me on a date to Runt's Tuesday night cause he knew I had been craving BBQ. And, get this - instead of buying me a bouquet of flowers that would eventually die, he bought me a GORGEOUS plant to put along our pathway. So next time you come over to the Coakley home you can admire our beautiful plant!

In store for tonight is a parent meeting for cheerleaders, a meeting for my upcoming Homemade Gourmet party, and the first ever Coakley garage sale! Come hang out with us if you have nothing better to do than sit in a garage for a few hours on a Saturday morning! Ha ha!

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Monday to end all Mondays

Well, the morning started out harried. I was running usual. I got a phone call from Joe and we got into it yet again. Why is that when you go through something that is supposed to be good for your marriage, your marriage seems to get worse. I've been told that it is part of the process of growing, but it sure does suck!

The morning bell rang to begin the day and the first thing that happens? A cat fight. Of course, out of the five teachers in the hallway, I was the only one who noticed it and had to break it up myself. For some reason, even though it was not a bad fight, I still found myself shaking and crying after it was over. I swear, breaking up middle school fights is the hugest adrenaline rush. It is an adrenaline rush I could certainly live without. When I called Joe to tell him about it I didn't get any sympathy which was just another thing to pile on to an already not so great day. First period was amazing today because Eugene was absent, but 4th period sure made up for it. At this point all I can think about is wanting to GO HOME!

Instead, I am going to re-hash the awesome weekend I had! I hung out with my friend Sara on Friday night and bought the cutest new skirt...which I am wearing today! Saturday Joe and I walked with his company to raise money for the National MS Society. His company raised over $6000! Hopefully we raised the most and were able to win some sort of prize or something! We had lunch with my cousins and their beautiful baby boy, Jack. Saturday night we went to church and then I graded papers while Joe played video games with his friend David. Then, Sunday was a great day - we played with babies and hung out with friends. Alas, then it was time for work again. :(

Lord, please please please help me to remember that you created each and every person that I come across. Help me to have your love for them and to see them through your eyes. I ask that you would be with my students and show them how to solve problems in a more civilized manner. I pray that you would heal Michele of all stress and sickness and that you would comfort her. I ask that you would be with Joe and help him to feel loved and lifted up through my words and actions. Help me to be more like you each and every day. Amen

Friday, April 18, 2008

It's Friday!!!

Last night Joe had a recording session and didn't get home until late which means I stayed up waaay past my bedtime. Then, this morning I had coffee with no breakfast. That means I am one hyper chick this morning!

Last night I also finally caught up on my American Idol watching. I absolutely cannot believe that Michael Johns got kicked off. I was so disappointed. He had such an easy-going way about him and I loved it. Oh well. However, it was definitely time for Kristy Lee Cook to go. See ya sweetheart.

After school yesterday I went to Union High School to be a judge for the Union Drill team. That was such a great experience! I would love to do it again (hint hint Lauren). It was amazing to see some of the talent those young girls had...and some of the talent others did not have! I recognized one of the girls as a student I had in school last year, but I couldn't remember her name. I think it was Kaylen or something. Anyway, that was a lot of fun and I am so glad that dancing is a part of my life again. I truly missed it after my first year of college.

Now, looking forward to the weekend. Tonight I am getting some time with one of my besties. We are just going to chill and enjoy the fact that tomorrow we DON'T HAVE SCHOOL! Although I do still have to get up in the morning. Joe and I are participating in a walk to raise money for MS with his company. So far I have raised over $100! Then, we are going to lunch with my cousin and his wife and get to see their baby for the second time since he was born back in either September or October. I can't believe I don't remember...

Anywho, it is going to be a busy weekend, as usual.

Lord, thanks once again for a lovely day and the power of your presence in my life. Help me to keep my tongue controlled and forgive me for the things I have said that are not pleasing to you. Give me a supernatural strength and joy to finish my day and be a witness to your children. Be with all the women in my life group and help us to grow as one in you. I love you so much and thank you for all you do in my life! Amen.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


So since yesterday I have had a little inspiration to brighten my life. Joe and I went to Wal-Mart together, something we haven't done in forever! We talked about how I was feeling and he really encouraged me. Then, I got a response from two teachers on a teacher website about how bad I was feeling in regard to teaching and they assured me that after 30 years of teaching they still get stressed and depressed every spring. I guess it is just one of those cycles that every teacher goes through.

Tonight I am supposed to be judging the Union High Steppers tryouts for my friend Lauren. I'm really excited to see how other tryouts go and to be a part of such a neat program. Plus, I get some extra cash to put towards my Greece trip next summer! I really wish I had something just a bit more exciting to type about, but at this point teaching and doing extra jobs for cash is my whole life.

Lord, I just want to thank you for what is turning out to be a wonderful day! Thanks for being the one who orders everything in my life for a purpose that is more than I can imagine. Be with me today as I choose what words to speak over my students and Joe. Help to love them with your love so that I'm not a part of it. You are awesome and amazing, more so each and every day. I love you and want to serve you. Amen.

P.S. Thanks for all the money you've sent my way for the MS walk on Saturday!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blog Number 2

Joe says he was proud of me for doing the blog yesterday, so here goes day 2. I have less than four minutes until the bell rings and I am just trying to chill and relax at this point. I'm sad that I left my cheesecake ball and crackers at home today. Those would have provided some great therapy at lunch!

1st Period: So my student who kept falling asleep yesterday started it again. My solution? He has to take his test standing up. It seems to be working so far.

Side note: Here's my deal with blogs. My life is really not that interesting. Who would really want to read about my boring life? I think it is kind of egotistical to think people care enough about your life to read all the details. I know I certainly don't care about other people's lives enough to read their blogs so what makes me think they want to read mine?

I think tomorrow I am going to make a list of all my pet peeves. That should provide for some interesting reading.

Lord, thanks for such a beautiful day! And thanks for a husband who knows when I need to go to bed so that I can function the next day! You are such an awesome God, and just speaking with you brightens my day. Help me to control my tongue and speak well of the students I interact with each and every day. Be with Joe and everyone in my life group today. Amen.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My First Blog

I'm not really into this whole blogging thing. However, Joe says he thinks it may be therapeutic for me. Who knows. I'm willing to give it a shot. My first period is my worst class this year. I have twenty something boys and 6 or less girls everyday. It's pretty much my worst nightmare, with the exception of 3rd hour from my first year of teaching.

Anyway, today was the first day of state testing, which means I have my first period for three whole hours! They have been so-so, but wow! I had one kid combing his hair, who also got mad at me for making him stop. I have one kid who I have had to nudge awake about 50 times. I'm not kidding.

During the bathroom break I could hear five of the boys slamming the bathroom doors and talking all the way down the hall. Those five will not be getting bathroom breaks tomorrow. I guess I'll wait and see how the rest of my day goes to see if this provides the therapy I am searching for.

Lord, grant me some peace and joy to make it through the rest of the day!