Saturday, January 17, 2009

Due Day

Well, here we are at my official due date and still nothing is happening.  Yesterday I had the runs at school and everyone kept tellling me that labor would soon follow.  However, it had been almost 24 hours and I haven't even had a real contraction, just the Braxton Hicks/cramps.  On the other hand, I only got up once last night to go to the bathroom, so I got a full nights rest!  Yippee!!!  It may very well be my last one for awhile.  We've scheduled to be induced on Thursday morning if nothing happens before then, which makes me sad because I wanted to experience what it is like to go into labor on my own - you know, the adrenaline rush and the excitement and getting to call people who have no idea you were going in that day.  Plus, I think it is neat to let God choose my child's birthday instead of me.  However, in this day and age it is getting too hard to wait on God since jobs and time off get in the way.  We shall see, I suppose.  And I could always cancel my induction, but then I might waste an entire week's worth of sick leave before my son even arrives!

Lord, I pray for your perfect timing and I ask that you would help me to make wise decisions with my job and with this baby.  Help me to be in your perfect will.  Be with those who are ill right now and show my family who you are through this miracle of life.  Amen.

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