Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's Snowing!

How much you wanna bet that because the weather is so awful today will be the day I have my son? With the way this pregnancy has gone, that is just what I think will happen.

An interesting thing happened this morning. I was in the shower and I felt the need to pee (you know how it is). Right in the middle of going, the baby somehow moved and just clamped off the pee like you might bend a garden hose. That hurt!

Doctor's appointment today at 4 pm - keep us all in your prayers.

Lord, I just ask for safe driving and health in the weather that you have given us today. Help me to be the best teacher I can be and give me patience with the parents I am dealing with. Be with Jamie, Michele, and all of those who are sick right now. I love you so much, Amen!

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