Monday, January 12, 2009

The Waiting Game...

5 days left until my official due date. Who knows if I'll make it or if I'll go over. Sometimes I wish God would share some of his infinite wisdom and insight just to satisfy my curisoity. Should I be planning more lessons or should I go have a wild night tonight because it will be my last?

I've decided I need to stop wearing skirts for the rest of my pregnancy as well. My calves, ankles, and feet are so swollen it's actually pretty gross. I feel sorry for people who have to look at my legs, i.e. my students!

I've decided that I am going to take 3-4 names to the hospital with me so that when I meet my son I'll know what to call him. I think I've got it narrowed down to Adrian, Logan, Tyler, and Michael. I also like Connor.

Back to waiting...


Tessa said...

My legs and feet looked terrible the last month! I'm proud of you for wearing a skirt this late. I can't believe I wore some of the stuff to school that I did during the last 2-3 weeks!
I love all of the names you have picked out!!! I've always liked the name Logan!! You will love whatever name you decide on!

Lauren said...

I like all of your names!

Mel said...

I like Logan and Connor. If you ended up with Logan, then we would have Lexie, Landon and Logan Coakley babies/kids. The boy name I like if we have a boy starts with an L too. It would be crazy.