Friday, August 29, 2008

Ethics Week

This week at our faculty meeting we had to watch a video on ethics and take a personal survey to see how we are doing. I was doing ok...until after we watched the video. Here's what happened: I was on my plan period, all caught up on grading, etc, and decided to log on to my baby registry at Babies R Us. Well, my password would not work, so I decided to call the customer service number. I dialed 1800babyrus. NEVER DO THAT!!!! I am warning you now, that you need to dial 888, not 800. Very bad things happen when you do. Anyway, since I did make the boo boo, I then had to go and tell my principal what had happened in case some phone record showed up that I had called a sex hot line. OOPS!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's Official

I am hot! It's true. I know it's true because I was walking past our assistant principal's office and I heard an 8th grade boy say, "dang, Mrs. Coakley is fine" and the kid next to him reply with, "dude, she's pregnant!" It was great! I am a hot pregnant lady!

Cheerleading definitely gave me a headache today...Lauren how do you stand them every single morning? I only have them once or twice a week depending on the game schedule and that is enough time with middle school girls!

Lord, thanks for a lovely day. Help me to do the best I can at teaching, cheering, and being a wife, friend, sister, aunt, and daughter. Thanks again for Kari Lynne and all the blessings you've given. Amen.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Kari is Here to Stay!

I'm so excited! Kari Lynne is officially going to be a Panter baby and will be a part of all our lives permanently!!! That precious little girl will be my son's BFF and it will be great. I got the news while I was at lunch today and I just started crying and jumping up and down. In fact, I am tearing up now! God is so amazingly good! Wow! Look at how much he has done and all the lives he will touch through this situation.

The rest of my day was boring. I was required to give a test to my students and I am all caught up on lesson planning and grading, so I sat most of the day. I went ahead and planned further ahead, so I am done through mid-October.

Lord, you are so good and awesome and amazing! You not only provide our needs, but you give us the desires of our hearts and that is so wonderful! I love you and praise you, because only you are in control! Amen.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Excitement in the life of Rachel

So Joe FINALLY felt the baby kick this morning! I think I was more excited than he was! Little Adrian has been nuts in my belly lately.

Crazy weekend ahead: cheer tryouts for girls new to Foster today after school, hair cut and nails done and JBF sale tomorrow, then church on Sunday. I am tired just thinking about it!

I think God is moving in my Life group here lately because I have been burdened for the people at my school who are not saved (plus my parents) and one of the other girls in my group is feeling the same way. I think since we have been talking about eternity and focusing on what we can actually do in our daily lives to reach people, it has been on our minds more than usual.

Also this week I think I caught a virus. Two sixth grade students went home vomiting the same day I could not keep a thing down. A little over 24 hours later and I am back to my normal self...those pesky kids!

Lord, help me to be the best teacher and witness to both my students and those in my life who don't know you. I ask that you keep Adrian safe and be with all I love this weekend. Amen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Breaking the Seal

It's official...I threw up at school. But, at least I didn't pee my pants, which is usually what happens when I throw up. Poor Mrs. Kirk - I didn't make it to the bathroom so I did it in her trash can. I tried to have a chat with Adrian, but he's not listening to his mama. I hope this is not a sign of things to come.

After school today is cheer practice. Not only will I have my girls practicing, but I will have a whole new batch who will be trying out on Friday to see if we can add a few more to my teeny tiny squad. I think the girls are pretty excited.

Joe started school yesterday. He is very excited and seems to be a good student so far. I am so proud of him for going back to school. I think he will be happier in the long run, even if he changes his mind about what exactly he wants to major in. I think he will feel better about himself as well.

Michele came over last night, once again bearing gifts. I told her she needs to stop because she is spoiling me way to much. I got a sling, book, bottles, maternity shirt, and a few other things from her just because she loves me so much. Everytime I try to buy something for her, she buys me ten more things. I can't keep up with the girl! I love her so much and I am so glad God brought her and Kyle into my life. And I LOVE Kari Lynne so much!!!

Lord, help me to let your love shine through to all of my students. Open their minds to understand math and who you are. Help me to not feel sick anymore. Be with my parents and family and draw them to you. Bless my totally awesome friends today with something special! Amen.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Looking Back

Looking back at the first week of school overall, I would classify it as good. Don't get me wrong, I had my little lovelies who already wanted to push the envelope, but there were only a few of them. I was able to buy a comfy pair of shoes to support my preggo butt, so I don't expect my feet to hurt as bad this coming week.

Baby Adrian Thomas (the name Joe and I have temporarily decided on) has been swimming and kicking around in my belly so much in the last few days! Each time I am still filled with surprise and a little bit of awe that I have a baby in my tummy. I told Joe that I was also struggling a little bit with the fear that in just a few short months I will be in charge of another human beings life, that he will depend completely on Joe and I for everything. I think I may need some prayer for that.

On Wednesday the 13th I bought a book at Mardel called "Before the Bell Rings" that has little devotions that you can read each morning before you start school. I loved Friday's prayer in it, so that is what I will end with today.

Lord, let me always be mindful that my faith in students may be what draws them to you. Amen.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of School 2008

What a way to start the school year...nauseous! But, the good news is that I didn't throw up until I got home. I desperately need my refill of Zofran to get rid of this icky feeling. I have three boys that are repeaters that I am keeping my eye on and one new boy that I am keeping on top of. I already had to call a mom! I couldn't believe it. In my vast experience of three whole years of teaching I have never had to call a parent on the first day of school. We will have to see how day 2 goes with the little lovely.

Sara got home last night. I was so glad! She had gone to California for her old roommates wedding, but that made the first day of school so lonely without her here to chat with. I look forward to the end of today so we can whine about the students together.

Signing off for today, Lord watch over me, my baby, my friends, family, and each of my students. I ask that you would just make yourself known to those who don't already know you and draw closer to you the ones that do. Thanks for the blessings in my life that I know come only from you. Love ya! Amen.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's a Boy!

Joe and I had our 3rd appointment today and found out that we are having a boy!  The doctor didn't even have to point anything out to us - it was hanging out for all to see.  Now we have to think of names and decide on nursery stuff.  I was a little disappointed at first cause I wanted a girl, but there are some great things that come with little boys.  I'll have to list them on down.  On a not so good note, I now have to see a dermatologist about a discoloration that I have.  Pray for me!

1.  Little boys love their mamas.
2.  Any ideas???

I also haven't blogged about some exciting friend Sara moved in with us in July!  She is awesome!  She's really helped since I haven't been feeling well.  

Lord, thanks for the blessing of a baby boy.  You know what you are doing and I totally trust in you.  Show me your way.  Amen.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hello August

And here we are in a new month...

I've been to school twice now and still have no clue what I am doing the first week of school.  Tomorrow is the last cheer practice before school starts...yikes!  I sure hope my girls are ready.  I think we have a really tight-knit squad this year which will be a nice change from last year.

I haven't thrown up since Thursday and I seem to have more energy, so I am hoping that I have officially entered the next phase of pregnancy.  We find out in two days what the sex of the baby is going to be, so that will be some exciting news to share.  

I bought tickets to So You Think You Can Dance and I cannot express just how excited I am!  I want to meet Twitch!  Nothing else exciting, so until Wednesday, adieu!