Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's a Boy!

Joe and I had our 3rd appointment today and found out that we are having a boy!  The doctor didn't even have to point anything out to us - it was hanging out for all to see.  Now we have to think of names and decide on nursery stuff.  I was a little disappointed at first cause I wanted a girl, but there are some great things that come with little boys.  I'll have to list them on down.  On a not so good note, I now have to see a dermatologist about a discoloration that I have.  Pray for me!

1.  Little boys love their mamas.
2.  Any ideas???

I also haven't blogged about some exciting friend Sara moved in with us in July!  She is awesome!  She's really helped since I haven't been feeling well.  

Lord, thanks for the blessing of a baby boy.  You know what you are doing and I totally trust in you.  Show me your way.  Amen.


Lauren said...

1. Little boys LOVE their mamas!
2. You don't have to mess with brushing their hair. Just wash and go!
3. Not as much teenage drama! I'm looking forward to that.
4. They cost less. If you add up all the expenses for dance classes, leotards and shoes it is far more expensive than the football uniform checked out by the school.
5. Your next child will have a big brother to protect them and take care fo them. Which is especially fun if, like me, you always wanted an older brother.

I know there are more but I'll leave you with that.

Lauren said...

Oh- Congratulations too! Forgot that.

Tessa said...

YEAH!!! Congrats! Now you get to start buying fun stuff!