Monday, April 28, 2008



Saturday my parent helped Joe and I put another patio in our backyard, plus do some landscaping. It was hard work! Plus, I had already been up since 6:30 with our garage sale (which one of my students showed up to...ugh!).

Today was the first day of my cheer clinic to get ready for tryouts. All we worked on the entire hour was the dance and cheer, but my goodness it took a lot out of me. You don't realize how out of shape you are until one hour of working shows you! I think I have some great potential out there, but we'll see how the rest of the week goes.

My friend Lauren sent two of her high school girls over to help and they were wonderful!!!! I'll have to get them a little something for helping.

Lord, thanks for such a lovely day! And thanks for the opportunity to dance and cheer, since you know that is something I absolutely love! Thanks for people who are willing to help free of charge and be a great example to my students. Give me wisdom in my decisions and in the words I say this week and give me an energy to get through. And, last but not least, THANKS FOR BRINGING THE LITTLES HOME!!!!!! Amen.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good days!

Monday = great day!
Tuesday = great day!
Wednesday = so-so...

What does Thursday hold in store for me? Well, hopefully a lot more girls trying out for cheerleading than the 10 forms I have turned in now. And, now my girl who was going to help with clinics is no longer available due to an upcoming competition. I guess its up to me to make up a cheer, and have me teach it along with Miss Gregersen. We shall see how that goes.

Joe, my absolutely wonderful hubby, took me on a date to Runt's Tuesday night cause he knew I had been craving BBQ. And, get this - instead of buying me a bouquet of flowers that would eventually die, he bought me a GORGEOUS plant to put along our pathway. So next time you come over to the Coakley home you can admire our beautiful plant!

In store for tonight is a parent meeting for cheerleaders, a meeting for my upcoming Homemade Gourmet party, and the first ever Coakley garage sale! Come hang out with us if you have nothing better to do than sit in a garage for a few hours on a Saturday morning! Ha ha!

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Monday to end all Mondays

Well, the morning started out harried. I was running usual. I got a phone call from Joe and we got into it yet again. Why is that when you go through something that is supposed to be good for your marriage, your marriage seems to get worse. I've been told that it is part of the process of growing, but it sure does suck!

The morning bell rang to begin the day and the first thing that happens? A cat fight. Of course, out of the five teachers in the hallway, I was the only one who noticed it and had to break it up myself. For some reason, even though it was not a bad fight, I still found myself shaking and crying after it was over. I swear, breaking up middle school fights is the hugest adrenaline rush. It is an adrenaline rush I could certainly live without. When I called Joe to tell him about it I didn't get any sympathy which was just another thing to pile on to an already not so great day. First period was amazing today because Eugene was absent, but 4th period sure made up for it. At this point all I can think about is wanting to GO HOME!

Instead, I am going to re-hash the awesome weekend I had! I hung out with my friend Sara on Friday night and bought the cutest new skirt...which I am wearing today! Saturday Joe and I walked with his company to raise money for the National MS Society. His company raised over $6000! Hopefully we raised the most and were able to win some sort of prize or something! We had lunch with my cousins and their beautiful baby boy, Jack. Saturday night we went to church and then I graded papers while Joe played video games with his friend David. Then, Sunday was a great day - we played with babies and hung out with friends. Alas, then it was time for work again. :(

Lord, please please please help me to remember that you created each and every person that I come across. Help me to have your love for them and to see them through your eyes. I ask that you would be with my students and show them how to solve problems in a more civilized manner. I pray that you would heal Michele of all stress and sickness and that you would comfort her. I ask that you would be with Joe and help him to feel loved and lifted up through my words and actions. Help me to be more like you each and every day. Amen

Friday, April 18, 2008

It's Friday!!!

Last night Joe had a recording session and didn't get home until late which means I stayed up waaay past my bedtime. Then, this morning I had coffee with no breakfast. That means I am one hyper chick this morning!

Last night I also finally caught up on my American Idol watching. I absolutely cannot believe that Michael Johns got kicked off. I was so disappointed. He had such an easy-going way about him and I loved it. Oh well. However, it was definitely time for Kristy Lee Cook to go. See ya sweetheart.

After school yesterday I went to Union High School to be a judge for the Union Drill team. That was such a great experience! I would love to do it again (hint hint Lauren). It was amazing to see some of the talent those young girls had...and some of the talent others did not have! I recognized one of the girls as a student I had in school last year, but I couldn't remember her name. I think it was Kaylen or something. Anyway, that was a lot of fun and I am so glad that dancing is a part of my life again. I truly missed it after my first year of college.

Now, looking forward to the weekend. Tonight I am getting some time with one of my besties. We are just going to chill and enjoy the fact that tomorrow we DON'T HAVE SCHOOL! Although I do still have to get up in the morning. Joe and I are participating in a walk to raise money for MS with his company. So far I have raised over $100! Then, we are going to lunch with my cousin and his wife and get to see their baby for the second time since he was born back in either September or October. I can't believe I don't remember...

Anywho, it is going to be a busy weekend, as usual.

Lord, thanks once again for a lovely day and the power of your presence in my life. Help me to keep my tongue controlled and forgive me for the things I have said that are not pleasing to you. Give me a supernatural strength and joy to finish my day and be a witness to your children. Be with all the women in my life group and help us to grow as one in you. I love you so much and thank you for all you do in my life! Amen.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


So since yesterday I have had a little inspiration to brighten my life. Joe and I went to Wal-Mart together, something we haven't done in forever! We talked about how I was feeling and he really encouraged me. Then, I got a response from two teachers on a teacher website about how bad I was feeling in regard to teaching and they assured me that after 30 years of teaching they still get stressed and depressed every spring. I guess it is just one of those cycles that every teacher goes through.

Tonight I am supposed to be judging the Union High Steppers tryouts for my friend Lauren. I'm really excited to see how other tryouts go and to be a part of such a neat program. Plus, I get some extra cash to put towards my Greece trip next summer! I really wish I had something just a bit more exciting to type about, but at this point teaching and doing extra jobs for cash is my whole life.

Lord, I just want to thank you for what is turning out to be a wonderful day! Thanks for being the one who orders everything in my life for a purpose that is more than I can imagine. Be with me today as I choose what words to speak over my students and Joe. Help to love them with your love so that I'm not a part of it. You are awesome and amazing, more so each and every day. I love you and want to serve you. Amen.

P.S. Thanks for all the money you've sent my way for the MS walk on Saturday!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blog Number 2

Joe says he was proud of me for doing the blog yesterday, so here goes day 2. I have less than four minutes until the bell rings and I am just trying to chill and relax at this point. I'm sad that I left my cheesecake ball and crackers at home today. Those would have provided some great therapy at lunch!

1st Period: So my student who kept falling asleep yesterday started it again. My solution? He has to take his test standing up. It seems to be working so far.

Side note: Here's my deal with blogs. My life is really not that interesting. Who would really want to read about my boring life? I think it is kind of egotistical to think people care enough about your life to read all the details. I know I certainly don't care about other people's lives enough to read their blogs so what makes me think they want to read mine?

I think tomorrow I am going to make a list of all my pet peeves. That should provide for some interesting reading.

Lord, thanks for such a beautiful day! And thanks for a husband who knows when I need to go to bed so that I can function the next day! You are such an awesome God, and just speaking with you brightens my day. Help me to control my tongue and speak well of the students I interact with each and every day. Be with Joe and everyone in my life group today. Amen.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My First Blog

I'm not really into this whole blogging thing. However, Joe says he thinks it may be therapeutic for me. Who knows. I'm willing to give it a shot. My first period is my worst class this year. I have twenty something boys and 6 or less girls everyday. It's pretty much my worst nightmare, with the exception of 3rd hour from my first year of teaching.

Anyway, today was the first day of state testing, which means I have my first period for three whole hours! They have been so-so, but wow! I had one kid combing his hair, who also got mad at me for making him stop. I have one kid who I have had to nudge awake about 50 times. I'm not kidding.

During the bathroom break I could hear five of the boys slamming the bathroom doors and talking all the way down the hall. Those five will not be getting bathroom breaks tomorrow. I guess I'll wait and see how the rest of my day goes to see if this provides the therapy I am searching for.

Lord, grant me some peace and joy to make it through the rest of the day!