Sunday, January 9, 2011

One week down, Two to Go!

Today ended up being a little bit of a cheat day food-wise. For breakfast I made a homemade granola. The recipe called for sugar-free peanut butter and that is when I realized that all week I have been eating peanut butter with sugar in it. Oops. The recipe also called for honey, which is controversial in the Daniel fast. Some people feel you should deny your self any kind of sweet (including agave nectar and honey) and others say it is natural and just fine. Then, for dinner, we ended up buying a 100% natural spaghetti sauce from Prego, but it also contained sugar. Before this fast I never realized how much sugar I consume on accident. Today was our LifeGroup and luckily the husband whose house it was is also doing the fast, so I had access to some delicious Taboulih, corn chips, and Triscuits. Yum!

I was a good girl today and washed 2 loads of laundry and a load of dishes. Then Connor and I snuggled up in bed and took a 3 hour nap. We needed it after all these 5:30 wake ups he's been doing!

Tonight I am beginning to work through a participation guide called Chazown. My Lifegroup is doing it together. I'm very excited about it. I have already gone through the Chazown book twice and every time I am amazed at how much I have grown and changed since the last time I did it. I am hoping that through this experience God will show me the direction he has for my life as soon as I finish my schooling...or even before!

Although tomorrow may be a snow day, I am going to bed early so that even if I stay home I can be energized to spend the day with my almost 2 year old (prayers for me please!).

Lord, open my eyes through my time with you each morning and through my time with you in the Chazown experience. Guide my feet, my heart, my thoughts, and my hands each and every day. Please be with me and my family this week as we have several things planned, but still want to spend time together. Amen.

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